Watch the following two broadcasts, the first by Mike Adams and the second by Alex Jones. This is a message at a very critical time in world history. It sure looks like the end is here. And it also looks like the demons are running Australia. Folks we are now on the front line of this spiritual war against God. But no need to fear. God wins in the end.

And fear not them [Lucifer and his demons] which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him [God] which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Matthew 10:28

Watch on or listen to audio below.

Alex Jones on Info.Wars

Watch here on!

The dictator of Victoria Dan Andrews says he will lock people out of society. Those who are unvaxxed will not be able to participate in buying and selling and going into any shops and venues. Essentially we will become the new second class citizen just like the Jews were in preWWII Nazi Germany.

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3 responses to “The End is Here now”

  1. When Mike Adams is right about something it turns out to already be common knowledge or reported elsewhere first. When he’s wrong, he’s whackadoo wrong and that’s quite often.


    1. I think he is right on these issues this time. I only post his posts if I think he is on the money.


      1. I know you don’t agree, but I think that if you continue to use a source that’s often a bit looney toons then you appear to endorse that source. It’s like if you were to source a false Christian teacher just because he had one or two good points. I don’t think you’d do that. Unfortunately, Mike Lindell’s Frank Speech site also heavily sources Mike Adams and it’s a shame.

