Map of the Palestine over time from before 1948 to now. Blue areas were Jewish and green areas Arab. Source.

Why do the most observant Jews in the world reject Israel and call for justice for Palestinians? Miko Peled, who is a Jew and was a once Zionist, speaks with Rabbi David Feldman of Neturei Karta about Judaism, Zionism and Palestine. This is really worth listening to.

The following are my thoughts regarding this matter.

It is interesting that what they talked about concerning the formation of the modern Zionist state of Israel aligns with the claims by others that there are really two groups involved here.

One group of religious Jewish people were those living happily in many other countries including the Middle East long prior to the 1917 Balfour Declaration with the intention to form the modern state of Israel in the land of Palestine. That Jewish group also predates the Zionist organization funded by the Rothschild family in Europe. Those Jews were not in favour of a Jewish homeland on religious grounds. They believe that the exile of the Jews from Judea in 70 AD and later was an act of God, even though it was carried out by the Romans. Also they don’t believe it is God’s will to break the commandments against stealing and murdering to get that land.

Rabbi David Feldman is one of this group of observant Jews, who would rather obey God, and die for that faith than create hell on earth for another people as has happened in Palestine.

The other group of people claiming to be Jews, are secular, but push for the Zionist state of modern Israel. The latter is a political movement, and not religious. Netanyahu is typical of this type. Though an atheist they claim divine right to the land. These are a gangster cabal who will use anything and anybody to achieve their political ends. They are part of the political Zionist movement that Lord Rothschild was a part of when he convinced British Foreign Minister Balfour to push through the infamous eponymous Declaration.

I have heard the case made that this latter evil political group of Jews secretly collaborated with Hitler and Nazi Germany to create the situation intolerable to Jews in Germany and surrounding nations. This led to them being expelled to the land of Palestine in an osmotic people pressure invasion to establish a new state by sheer numbers. Those behind this are the same satanic Jews who were the Bolsheviks of Stalin’s Russia.

In the case of Germany and the newly forming state of Israel the observant Jews of Europe did not want to go there nor did they believe it was God’s will. But the satanic Jews controlled the banks and the media and spent decades before the war building an image that Jews were not wanted in Europe, brainwashing them into acceptance to migrate to Palestine. So we can easily believe that the satanic Jews used the anti-Zionist observant Jews as tools in their political campaign to set up the state of Israel and use that as a platform for eventual world domination.

See Israel-Palestine conflict: A brief history in maps and charts

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2 responses to “Anti-Zionist Jewish People Used as Tools of the Zionists”

  1. What you have written is ‘Spot-On’! Well done. It’s TOUGH going against the ‘mainstream’ narrative circulating in Christendom. Keep up the GOOD work. Kindest regards, (Mrs.) Jane Blakey (and Ian).


    1. God bless you Jane and Ian. You have stuck with me for a long time, when many others have jumped ship.


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