Dr John MacArthur in an interview on X.com

As the world watched with horror the massacre over a week ago in Gaza, prompting new calls for ending the war, well-known Christian leader John MacArthur was interviewed by the Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro where he expressed support for the continued genocide of the Palestinian people, referring to them as ‘Amalekites’.

Ben Shapiro, a Jew, and Dr John MacArthur, a Christian, agreed that Israel needs to ‘wipe out’ the modern-day ‘Amalek’ in Gaza. Both of these men purport to be ‘conservative’ and in support of ‘civilised’ values.

MacArthur’s basis for the opinion he expressed, in regards to determining his moral justifications to support war and genocide, was his Satanic Zionist interpretation of biblical events.

“It wasn’t until the Persians completely wiped out the Amalekites that God’s will was fulfilled in that judgment,” Pastor John MacArthur told Shapiro.

“Now, you might not like the fact that God is a judge but when God determines that I’m going to protect my People Israel and you’re going to attack My People Israel, I have a plan for My People Israel, as the New Testament says, so all Israel will be saved, there’s coming a kingdom he will fulfil every promise he ever gave … God is going to preserve that people and if you are a threat to that people, historically speaking, God says you need to be removed.”

“I think about that story so often when I think about this is like the modern version of Amalek and until they are wiped out this is just going to go on and on,” MacArthur continued.

“I know I don’t want to be callous about things but God has in his sovereignty made a decision for the preservation of Israel into the future into the Kingdom of Messiah — that’s his plan, that’s his promise.” (Source.)

Here is a short clip of that interview posted on X.com.

In this segment John MacArthur stated:

“This is like the modern version of Amalek and until they’re wiped out, this is going to go on and on and on and on. I don’t want to be callous about things but God has in His sovereignty made a decision for the preservation of Israel into the future into the Kingdom of Messiah — that’s His plan, that’s His promise.

You can be a part of that by coming to the Messiah and being a part of his Kingdom, but if you attempt to destroy the very people that are the heart and soul of God’s plan then you come under the judgment of God.

I think Israel is acting… even though they are a secular nation in the large sense … because salvation is individual not national, I think, their desire to protect and preserve them to fight in really a terminal way against those who would destroy them follows the divine pattern of God for the preservation of that people until He fulfils His plan for them.” (bold emphases are mine)

Ben Shapiro responds:

“Your point with regard to [Israel] is particularly true and I just want to clarify here.

When you have a force that is dedicated to the extermination of every Jew on the planet, which is what [Hamas] openly says. If you’re a member of that terror group the moral position for anyone would be to end that terror group and destroy them wholesale.

And Israel has done, actually an extraordinary job attempting to distinguish civilians, even civilians who are sympathetic, from members of Hamas themselves. The fact that there are so many people in the West that seem to lack moral clarity in what is easily the most morally clear conflict of our time is a source of astonishment to me.

But I think can only be explained by again an anti-biblical perspective that substitutes a narrative of victimology in favour of a narrative of right and wrong.”

Keep in mind, at the time of writing this, estimates put 150,000 Palestinians killed or injured by Israeli bombing. Of those at least 16,000 children have been killed and another 32,000 children have been maimed with amputated limbs.

How can Shapiro call this moral? How can he label it ‘victimology’? It is genocide, no matter how you look at it.

Unlike so many other Zionist Christians, John MacArthur is not an Evangelical Christian, but a Reformed Presbyterian. Even so he does not understand salvation through faith (not by ethnicity), nor does he understand the love of Jesus Christ who came and died for the sins of the world.

16 By this we know love, that He laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.

1 John 3:16

Remember the parable of the Good Samaritan! (Luke 10:33)

Jesus said “love your enemies, do good to them which hate you” (Luke 6:27). MacArthur is putting words into God’s mouth that say the opposite.

Note also, MacArthur is speaking to a Jew and he holds back on the true gospel message. He doesn’t say it is only by Jesus Christ comes salvation but instead substitutes the word ‘Messiah’, which the Jews are also expecting. But their Messiah is not the Son of God. Rather their Messiah is a military ruler.

This is what compromise looks like.

The Jewish Messiah is a satanic imitation of the true Messiah. The true Messiah came in the form of Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus, was born a Jew in Israel. He is fully God but also fully man. He vicariously took on the sins of all mankind and in His death on the cross paid our inherited debt from Adam. The Father was fully satisfied with His payment. There is no longer any sacrifice for sin. Only through Jesus Christ can anyone be redeemed and know the Father.

Jesus, while speaking to His disciples, said to Thomas:

6 I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by Me. 7 If you had known Me, you should have known My Father also: and from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.

John 14:6-7

A Jew cannot know God, the Father, without first coming to Jesus Christ, His Son. There is no other way, no other truth, no other life. Read Is Jesus’ Father the God of the Jews?

MacArthur is correct that salvation is individual, not national. Salvation does not come through being a Jew or a Jewish Israeli citizen. Salvation is only through each individual trusting in Jesus Christ. Ethnic Jewish identity is not ‘the heart and soul of God’s plan’ as MacArthur claims. That is a satanic lie that the Zionist cult want you to believe.

Ben Shapiro can say that the Gaza genocide is the “most morally clear conflict of our time” because he does not know the Father nor His Son. Therefore we can conclude from his speech that his god is not the Creator God of the Old Testament, known as Yahweh, but the imposter who masquerades in light but is a murderer and a liar.

Speaking to the Jewish leaders Jesus said:

44 You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and stayed not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8:44

John MacArthur has shown that he too has clay feet. He has fallen short and is willing to compromise the truth of Jesus Christ.

MacArthur has fallen for the satanic lie, possibly the biggest lie of Satan entertained by Christian churches and denominations. That lie is, that the people of the current state of Israel are God’s chosen people. And that it does not matter what they do or believe. They can commit mass genocide against innocent children and they are still beloved of God.

Support for the genocide of Palestinians claiming a biblical reference to Amalek completely undermines MacArthur’s credibility. His compromise of the true gospel is also plain to see. 

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3 responses to “Christian Pastor John MacArthur Believes the Satanic Zionist Lie and Calls for the Genocide of Palestinian People”

  1. Gideon, MacArthur is wrong, I agree, and, so too, Ben Shapiro. Macarthur’s reasoning on the slaying of the Amalekites would have been sound if he lived in the time of the Sovereign instruction, but not today. However, their destruction will be completed at the coming of the Messiah.  I do not say that none of them could be saved; let’s leave that to the Holy Spirit.

    I concur with you that the current Zion state called Israel is not God’s people. What I do not agree with is that Israel is not God’s people. Israel will be re-established at the coming of Jesus Christ, as the holy nation intended by God, made up of those who are faithful to Him and His Son (faith meaning their fidelity is sound, as with a bride to her husband). This is essential for the sake of God’s name. There is plenty of evidence of God relenting from His destruction of Israel, not because they deserved His mercy, but for His name’s sake. Exodus 32:13-14 is one very important example of this. If God does not preserve Israel, then His promise is not true and our faith is vanity. Thank God for His faithfulness and Truth.

    The most obvious error in Judaism and the Judaists’ claim that they are God’s people is in their bizarre Talmudic belief that their Jewishness is matrilineal. It unnerved me for some time when I would hear Christians boast in their Jewishness because their mother was a Jew, before realising they were hooked in by the lie. I hear it often both in Evangelical Christians and the broadchurch of Hebrew Roots / Torah observant groups. They get angry when I challenge this.

    The current Zionist state is based on the false claim of Jewishness being matrilineal rather than patrilineal and they are not of the southern kingdom of Judah, therefore not of Israel at all.  The letters to the churches in Revelation refer to these imposters:

    Revelation 2:9 KJV

    I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

    Revelation 3:9 KJV

    Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Israel will be re-established, and the enemies destroyed at the coming of Jesus Christ. It will be made up of descendants of Israel and a mixed multitude of Gentiles, but only those who are faithful to the Father and who have faith in the Son for salvation. While my view is based on a Pre-millennial understanding, the error of matrilineal heritage doesn’t require a Pre-millennial view.


    1. Still sounds like flesh and blood descent is important in your interpretation. (?). I see liberty in Christ, as the true Israel are the believers and God knows who he has chosen.

      The True Israel of God

      The Blessings of God on Abraham


      1. No, not at all. Not for salvation at all. Read it again. The continuation of Israel for God’s Name’s sake.
        Salvation in Christ alone is dependent on His lineage, because it is by His Blood we are able to be saved.
        Nothing I said implies my salvation is dependent on a blood lineage. Read it again without a preconceived idea of what I am saying.
        Israel is preserved for the sake of God’s name being preserved as the Sovereign God of Truth independent of your or my salvation.


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