John Hagee Wikipedia

Christian Zionists believe Jews are God’s chosen people and that God promised the land of Israel to their patriarchs and their descendants forever. No conditions attached.

In February 2018 Christian Zionist pastor John Hagee stated:[1] ​

“God has a set time to do everything, and Israel is God’s prophetic clock for doing it. Recognize this fact: that God’s clock only moves when the Jewish people are in the land of Israel, and when they are in the land, the clock starts ticking.” 

He believes that all the events he envisions in an apocalyptic Endtime scenario are predicated on the establishment of the state of Israel, a 7-year peace deal in the Middle East, the rise of the AntiChrist who officiates the peace agreement, the Rapture of the Church before the peace deal begins, the rebuilding of the third Temple and resumption of the animal sacrifices, the desecration of the Temple by the AntiChrist and ensuing great Tribulation for the Jews, a lot of whom are saved during those seven years. Following that they believe the wrath of God is poured out, Christ returns and then the Millennium begins after the 7 years are finished.

They have a lot riding on this. They are heavily invested. They don’t really care about Jewish or Israeli people nor Palestinians for that matter.

Hagee’s political ideology is Christian Zionism which has

meant unbridled support for Israel ​‘as a Jewish state,’ alignment with the most far-right political forces in Israeli society, and backing of the ethnic cleansing and killing of Palestinians. While strains of Christian Zionism vary, Hagee holds that the rapture will be preceded by a cataclysmic war, a belief that makes him enthusiastic about conflict and confrontation with Palestinians, as well as with Iran and its allies. In 2005, Hagee declared[2] that ​“it is time for America to embrace the words of Senator Joseph Lieberman and consider a military preemptive strike against Iran to prevent a nuclear holocaust in Israel and a nuclear attack in America.”[3]

Yes, you heard that right. An American, ostensibly Christian, pastor calling for war against Iran. Christian Zionist believers, like Hagee, see ‘the fortunes of Israel as a key harbinger of the Final Judgment and the elevation of fallen human history into the realm of the divine.’[4]  In regards to the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel Hagee stated, “The righteous rage of America must be focused on Iran.”[5]

Matt Hagee, John Hagee’s son is quoted as saying:[6]

“God has a hook in the jaws of these nations, and he’s drawing them here. God tells Ezekiel exactly how he’s going to defend Israel. He speaks about raining down fire and hail and brimstone. That’s a heavenly air assault.”

This is the fruit of the Hagees’ brand of bloodthirsty dispensationalism. Call for war and wholesale destruction of other nations. Genocide! That makes them a satanic cult.

This is not the message of Christ who said:

36 My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom was of this world, My servants would have fought…

John 18:36 KJ3

The Christian position is to call for the end of conflict. It is to trust in the living God who is able to bring about His will without us calling for the wholesale genocide of people and nations. Christians are called to love their enemies and to pray for and do good to those who hate them.

Jesus said:

44 But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

Matthew 5:44-45

God provides even for those who are evil. So who are we to call for the wholesale genocide of anyone?

So don’t tell me that your eschatology does not matter. It sure does. It clearly informs some on how they speak and act. But no one knows what exactly will happen in the future. And whatever does happen may surprise us all.

I do personally believe we are approaching the end of days because I see many signs the scriptures talk about. And God will take care of His enemies in His good time in His way. As followers of Jesus Christ we should pray God’s will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Also read

[1] ‘Israel, God’s Prophetic Clock | John Hagee | LWCC’ at

[2] The Bill Moyers Journal,

[3] Sarah Lazare,, October 5, 2020, ‘The Terrifying Alliance Between End Times Christian Zionists and Donald Trump’ at

[4] Chris Lehmann,, November 2, 2023, ‘American Evangelicals Await the Final Battle in Gaza’ at

[5] Lee Fang, October 23, 2023, ‘Televangelists Invoke Holy War to Push for Weapons for Israel, Strikes on Iran’ at

[6] Chris Lehmann, Ibid.


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3 responses to “American Evangelical Christian Zionists Await the Final Battle Against the Palestinians and Iran to Bring on Armageddon and the Rapture”

  1. May I present some superb work by David Sorensen concerning the ‘Second Coming of Jesus’ or ‘The Return of Christ’. (Also, consider the use of these two words in the N.T. Gk. ἔρχομαι (erchomai), literally a ‘point in time arrival of’, and Gk. παρουσία (parousia), literally ‘presence with’, as compared with ‘absence’.) Therefore, He was ‘present’ when He walked on earth in the first century and we have known His presence with us by The Holy Spirit since. He ‘CAME’ at a point in time in A.D. 70 in wrath against Jerusalem.


    1. David Sorensen is a dispensationalist, a follower of Darby and Scofield. Dispensationalism is not based on proper hermeneutics. Please see


    2. Sorenson is a dispensationalist according to my good friend Jamesjpn. As such I reject that doctrine. Reading the linked post I see he is teaching full Preterism in that Jesus returned in 70 AD. That I don’t agree with either. See

      Matthew 24 prophecy


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