In this video we can see the earth rise from the moon. It was taken in 2008 by the Japanese space agency JAXA (not NASA) from their lunar orbiter SELENE. The spacecraft orbited the moon for about a year before it was deliberately crashed in to the moon surface.

There are people who believe that the Earth is a flat disk and not a sphere. It is incredible I know. Apart from interpreting certain scriptures to support their claim it would seem that they have to also claim that all space agencies have faked all images of the earth since man’s quest into space began.

They also claim that there are no satellites (no GPS constellations), that there cannot be an International Space Station (ISS) in orbit and that man has never left the earth.

So they claim that this spacecraft could not have observed the spherical planet from the moon because no such craft ever left the planet. But the Japanese did send a spacecraft as have other nations. This one shows beautifully the jewel among the stars and it doesn’t look flat to me.

Watch on YouTube:

Sorry, it would seem that that movie titled “The Moon From Lunar Orbit: A Unique View Of The Moon / Earthrise (Series Of Recorded Videos)” is no longer playing on YouTube. Try this one instead.

The following 4K video was created from thousands of images taken by the JAXA SELENE/Kaguya lunar orbiter. The spacecraft orbited the Moon for a year and eight months, before intentionally impacting on crater Gill on June 10, 2009. The video “has been “KAGUYA taking “Full Earth-rise” by HDTV (Apr. 5, 2008)” (““) shows you views of the lunar surface and Earth rise.

Or this one…

6/2/2020 Comment from a flat-earther: Haha you’re all comedians, but can’t see the reality that it is a fake video or believe that NASA could lie! Think about it. Where is the sun’s position, how bright should the moon be but isn’t, and seeing the earth seems to be in full light why is the background dark? When we are in day, the sky is blue. Perhaps someone has an answer.

My response: Number one, this video was not produced by NASA but by JAXA the Japanese space agency. I have had interactions with scientist colleagues from JAXA and find them to be a reputable organisation.

Number two: There is no atmosphere on the moon. Thus there are no molecules to scatter sunlight. You learn that in high-school. Hence the sky is black. On earth we see a blue sky because of scattered sunlight. Blue light (shorter wavelengths than red light) is scattered in all directions by the molecules of air in Earth’s atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colours because of its shorter wavelengths. As a result when we look at the sky we preferentially see the blue light component of sunlight which contains all the colours of the spectrum.

Then the automatic gain control on the camera on board the spacecraft reduces the aperture of the camera because of the high albedo of the moon.(Reducing the aperture on film cameras would also be the same). High albedo means high reflectivity. The moon reflects a little more than 10% of the sunlight hitting its surface. The moon’s surface has about 1/3rd the albedo of the earth’s surface. The reduction of the camera aperture means less light entering the camera so not to saturate the CCD module in a digital electronic camera or saturate the film in a film camera. Hence the moon surface does not look so bright, and note stars are not so easily seen in the black sky because the camera aperture is reduced.

  2. A FLAT EARTH AND OTHER NONSENSE by Robert Carter and Jonathan Sarfati

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Comments Welcome Below

3 responses to “Earth as Seen from the Moon”

  1. You realize that there is no evidence you can give these people to convince them that the Earth is not flat? Obviously, if they deny we ever left the Earth, that we don’t have space stations, and so forth, then their denial is so deep that evidence won’t convince them because all evidence is “faked.”


    1. Tommy,

      Nicely put. From a FB interaction with a bible believing yet FE believing friend I have come to the same conclusion. It is painful to see the depth of cognitive dissonance they hold. She wrote saying that all space agencies have faked all images from space. But it would seem that their real Achilles’ heel is the existence of the ISS, and GPS satellites and other global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) — the European Galileo system for example. The ISS can be seen from earth without a telescope and, well, GNSS is used on all their smartphones. Or do they not trust the Maps app and use map books instead?


      1. Yeah, you would think that kind of evidence would get them going in the right direction, but I think they might resort to even more ludicrous reasoning to explain it away. They’ve made up their minds and nothing is going to change it. It’s really sad.

