I just got through watching this new documentary by Andy J. Wakefield. It is a bombshell that explodes the corruption and perfidy of the relationship that big Pharma has with the US government and the US courts. It is a must see.

I believe that this issue may be one of the biggest issues of our time, not only for Christians, but for all truth seekers. Imagine a system so powerful that those in power can mandate a host of vaccines that all people on the planet are compelled to be injected with regardless of whether they consent or not. This is goes to the very heart of our personal freedom.

The film exposes the truth behind the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which opened the doors for big companies to profit enormously producing vaccines for which they do not need to have any safety standards.

Robert F Kennedy wrote:

For thousands of parents with vaccine-injured children, the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) conjures up sadness, betrayal of trust, disappointment and anger. But what does the rest of the public think? Most people don’t even realize the NCVIA exists! They are still under the rosy misconception that vaccines are safe and effective and that our legislators and public health officials would never do anything that would knowingly hurt America’s children. 

Watch the film here https://7thchakrafilms.com/home-page

Man and microbe, from Polio to COVID19… a never more relevant forensic examination of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and its consequences.

What happens when an ancient wisdom – a mother’s intuition – is pitted against powerful interests in a race against time?

You can watch an introduction by Andy Wakefield here and a Preview here.

Viewer Guide: All documents mentioned in the film are available here as a single PDF file. It is worth getting those documents because there is a lot of information presented.

These are the documents referenced in the film:

  1. Christensen Memo
  2. Deitch Memo
  3. Trisolgen Memo
  4. Stainer Memo
  5. Schuh Memo
  6. Acellular DTP Patent
  7. Corporate Response Memo
  8. Vaccine ‘Pinto’ Memo
  9. Bernstein Memo

They are worth examining closely. There are many frank admissions that vaccines do cause harm.

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