CMI has recently (27 June 2023 and again 8 October 2023) updated their position statement on vaccines. It is called “CMI, vaccines, and vaccination” authored by Jonathan Sarfati.

It is now about 80 pages long and is pushing all the vaccines and COVID-19 lies. I don’t suggest you read it all but read some. You’ll see it is totally buying into the evil deception of the COVID lies. It seems like no one at CMI is able to see that Satan has invaded BigPharma and the medical systems with a goal to make money and I also believe to do the work of WEF/WHO cabal to depopulate the world.

Medical Experts Refute Covid Shot Propaganda of Creation Ministry [International (CMI)]

Watch this dynamite expose of CMI and their vaccine lunacy!
Click on the following link to watch the analysis on Brannon House show (29/7/2022) with Alex Newman, Dr Lee Merritt MD, Karen Kingston and Dr James Thorp MD.

This is very sad considering my very long association with CMI. I conclude that they are doing the Satan’s work on earth as we approach the end of days.


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11 responses to “Why Has Creation Ministry International (CMI) Bought into the COVID-19 Vaccine Lie and Other Lies?”

  1. I don’t know who that is I’ve been being attacked by religious spirits and others Barcelona getting ready for the deception just keep your heart and mind on the Lord I’m fixing to be awakened I know under the water and above us all around us love you brother GOD BLESS YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN HALLELUJAH 🙌🙌🙏❤️❤️❤️💙



  2. Thanks Gideon for highlighting this. Certainly shows that CMI are quadrupling down in support of the covid jabs since even just 2 years ago. This is despite the large membership backlash Sold out. Nothing new, but a bit more disturbing when they are supposed to be professing Christians. And on this note: here is one email sent to CMI by G. Ritchey. She made this public and can be found in the comments section of the video you provided Ritchey’s admonishing letter to CMI is well written and well worth re-printing it here in full:

    “Dear Creation Ministries,
    Reading and hearing your push of these experimental genetic injections on people with misguided information using your titles and your influence was the most disappointing thing from a ministry that my husband and I were supporting for years.

    Dr. Sarfati and Dr. Carter, you both were invited to our church to speak and we supported your ministries. My husband, who is a pastor, and I had lunch with each of you. It is absolutely disheartening to hear you guys be mouthpieces to the pharmaceutical industry while you deceive, knowingly or unknowingly, the many who look up to you. Reading what you wrote and hearing what you said about the so-called COVID vaccines was not only disappointing but surprising. I would have never expected people like you with seemingly immense knowledge about creation would be so wrong about the most basic matter of immunology and vaccinology.

    I am a healthcare provider and I know what I see in my patients who are suffering injuries from these gene injections. For you guys to push and defend these unvetted and unnecessary gene injections on humanity is not only wrong but criminal. Have you not looked at the Pfizer documents, which by the way FDA and Pfizer were hoping to conceal for 75 years? Have you not seen how many people died in their own studies? Have you not seen how many adverse effects they were investigating? How much research did you do on the matter before you pushed these death shots on people? What real-world data are you using to claim these gene therapies are safe and effective? At the minimum, you should have kept your opinions to yourself let alone shame people into getting it.

    There is only one conclusion: it is either you guys are bought by these pharmaceutical companies or the government to be their propaganda spreaders or you really are not as smart and discerning as many thought, including me. The sad thing is if you are being untruthful about this, then how do you expect people to believe you about everything else you talk about? You are discrediting yourselves. GOD gave you a platform for HIS glory but you chose to work for your own kingdom. What would a man profit if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul?”

    Do not be fools. No one mocks GOD. What you sow, you shall reap.

    G. Ritchey”


    1. Grace,

      Yes I read that Comment email. It is worth publishing. I made a few comments today; hopefully they will publish them.

      You wrote: “…the large membership backlash…” Can you elaborate?


  3. Russell Wallace Avatar
    Russell Wallace

    John, what a disgrace. Pushing experimental untested gene altering substances with fact free nonsense. Sounds just like the Atheist pushing evolution, the very thing CMI has been fighting against for the past 40 plus years! If they would just read Dissolving Illusions but looks like they won’t read it. I gave my copy to Dr Aseem Mahlotra – the visiting Cardiologist from UK. His father died from the Pfizer jab. Aseem’s talk in Adelaide recently was brilliant. A packed house. The lady sitting next to me shared how her husband was mad keen on vaccines until he died about 3 weeks after his Pfizer shot.

    He also spoke in Perth to about two thousand people. Most Australian Federal senators recently said no to start an investigation into excess Australian deaths. Such cowardly behaviour.


  4. Paul Marrington Avatar
    Paul Marrington

    It’s as you shared elsewhere, “A mighty widening of the eyes” and here we have the household of God beginning to be separated – as goats are from sheep. May His Word continue to dwell in you richly.


  5. Giancarlo Berrios Gilormini Avatar
    Giancarlo Berrios Gilormini

    But they don’t even allow comments in that mega article of vaccines. They know exactly what they are doing. They are pathetic.


  6. I am so saddened about CMI’s stance on convid1984. I have been getting Creation magazine since 1992 & am shocked at their blindness regarding the whole deception. Apart from covid itself & the jabs I’m stunned at how they wouldn’t see where this is all heading- digital id prisons, cashless society, a totalitarian nightmare, new world order etc which is pretty easy to see without needing to be a “conspiracy theorist”. After all Klaus Schwab & his “Great Reset” is publicly available for anyone to read.


    1. It is amazing that some Christians are blind to the evil in the world.


  7. Hi,
    I’m sure CMI will review their stance on CoViD “vaccines “ and conspiracies after they review the Western Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance – Annual Report 2021.
    I’m expecting a full and humble retraction from them any day now.


    1. I hope you are right.

      Here is the report for those who have time to read it.

      Click to access Western-Australia-Vaccine-Safety-Surveillance-Annual-Report-2021.pdf

      Here is Dr Campbell’s analysis
      Bad Australian Vaccine Data


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