This documentary by Stew Peters Show with Dr Bryan Ardis is a game changer.


In a dynamite interview Dr Ardis connects the evil dots that connect both the Fauci promoted drug Remdesivir and mRNA bioweapon shots to the venom of snakes, especially the king cobra. These drugs are literally snake poison. Well what about the water? Are they putting it in the water supply? You have got to watch this or listen to the audio on Podbean.

This is a spiritual war folks and it now looks like Satan — represented by the snake from the Garden of Eden — is using literal snake venom to murder billions of humans. This is the final great conflict. Get right with God!

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6 responses to “World Premier: Watch the Water”

  1. Often I discern the name of a drug and its connection to the dark side. Such happened with RemDesiVir. I looked up its root words.

    Rem = Remmin is a demon, called “Ambassador from Hell”
    Des = Desolation
    Vir = Latin word for Man

    Put them together: A drug from hell that desolates mankind. Truth in plain sight.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. One very cool thing a lamb has anti venom in their blood. I am washed in the blood of the Lamb. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.


  3. carbon life form Avatar
    carbon life form

    Interesting aside about the King Cobra, it’s one of the few species that attacks and kills it’s own. It prefers to eat it’s own. Lot’s of ironies….


  4. Reblogged this on whatyareckon and commented:
    The Snake in the grass is now in the water.


  5. carbon life form Avatar
    carbon life form

    I found out that Turmeric root works against the venom. There is something in nature to cure every malady, further proof of intelligent design.


  6. Here is a comprehensive analysis of the snake venom theory and supporting evidence that I did. I presented it on one of Dr. Tom Cowan’s webinars. I’m a scientist with 20 years experience who is now speaking out after my career was effectively ended for not taking the jab. Good to have different viewpoints.

